Teeth Cleaning

Periodontal disease affects over half of all pets over the age of three in Colorado. Plaque forms on your pet's teeth after they eat. Over time, this plaque hardens into tartar. Tartar will inevitably begin to make its way beneath your pet's gumline where it will create fertile conditions for bacteria to replicate. This begins a harmful process where supporting tooth structures are eroded and toxins begin spreading through your pet's bloodstream to their vital organs.

But not to worry - periodontal disease is no match for our team! This is why regular dental cleanings are so important. Periodontal disease is (silently) painful, causes tooth loss, and higher instances of organ disease. During your pet's cleaning, we will do a full assessment of your pet's overall and dental health through advanced diagnostics. We will safely anesthetize your pet and begin scaling and polishing their teeth. We will clean beneath the gumline, where periodontal disease lurks, in order to reverse or halt any instance of the disease. Your pet will experience an immediate reduction in pain, and an immediate benefit to their oral and overall health. If your pet has not received a dental exam in the last six months, just give us a call now and ask us about it!

Oral Surgery & Extractions

Oral surgery can address genetic, developmental, traumatic, or cancerous health issues in dogs and cats. Often times, these surgical procedures can make an incredible difference in a pet's quality of life and lifespan. We are equipped and trained to perform the following surgical procedures:

  • Extractions
  • Fracture Repair
  • Palatal Repair
  • Tumor Removal

Lab Work

Before anesthesia is used on your pet, it is important to assess their overall health. We need to make sure that your pet is healthy enough to undergo anesthesia and surgery. We will perform all necessary lab work in advance of your pet's procedure.

Digital Radiography

In order to provide your pet with a thorough dental examination, we use digital radiology to examine their teeth. After all, over half of the surface area of your pet's teeth is beneath the gumline! This cutting-edge tool allows us to see the extent of periodontal disease present and to create custom treatment plans for each pocket of the disease.


The hollow area inside a tooth (filled with blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue) is called the "endodontic system." It helps teeth to grow, mature, and repair themselves. When damage occurs to this system, it is important to treat it. This is commonly done through root canals. Through cutting-edge tools, we can fully examine the extent of any damage to the endodontic system, and can perform whatever treatment is best for your pet.

Tooth Fractures

Fractured teeth are a common occurrence in dogs and cats, and often occur from trauma or chewing on hard objects (even toys). Usually a pet will not show signs of pain when a fracture occurs - they will just begin to use the other side of their mouth to chew. If left untreated, damage to the endodontic system may eventually occur, necessitating a root canal.


General anesthesia is necessary to perform a professional scale and polish for dogs and cats. We use modern and safe anesthesia protocols in order to maximize your pet's safety and comfort. Your pet's vitals are monitored 100% of the time, and will be gently awakened after the procedure is complete.